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Nursery Admissions


We have available 

  • Morning Nursery - 15 hours
  • Morning Nursery - 15 hours plus lunch pick up at 12.30pm
  • 30 hours Nursery 
  • Optional afternoon sessions
  • Wrap around care 7.30am - 6pm

The Early years is all about learning through play! Children start their learning journey at BWI by experiencing the world around them using all of their senses, going outside to explore and investigate at every opportunity. Some of the activities your child will take part in will make them look a little messy, but they will have had fun while they’re doing it and learning lots without even realising it! The mud kitchen, water and sand areas are especially well attended!

Our Nursery and Reception children take part in a wide range of activities and experiences that aim to foster good speaking and listening skills, strong social skills, emotional resilience, independence, curiosity and above all - a desire to learn! We have experienced members of staff who will support your child through their first steps at our school.

In Nursery, children begin their journey to learn phonics, literacy and maths, through engaging practical activities. Thanks to the make-up of our early years setting, nursery children are, at times, able to take advantage of learning alongside their peers in reception which allows them to make great steps and be challenged in their early learning.

Two Year Old Provision 

 We are delighted to be offering nursery places for two year olds for the first time from September 2024. For more information, please contact the school office.